Thursday, October 6, 2011

What is Courage ???

Courage is a hard thing to figure,
u can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake,
but u r not supposed to question adults or ur coach,or ur teacher,
coz they make d rules,may be they know best but may be they dont,
it all depends on who u r,where have u come from.

Should u always do what ur inner feeling tells u to do, sumtyms
u might not even know why ur doing sumthing,i mean any fool can have courage,
but honour is the real reason u either do sumthing or u dont,its who u r
may be who u want to be,if u die trying for sumthing important,then u have both honour and courage,
and thats pretty gud,i think u should hope for courage and try for honour,may be u can pray that people
telling u what to do have some too.



  1. hey nice post!....If you like something a lot,it supplies you with i feel liking fills you with get the courage to get it either legally or illegally...Its all how much you like matters naa??..

  2. thnx Amigo....I truely agree with u....

    Keep Visiting
    c ya
