Friday, January 3, 2014

I’m a #Libra

I am a Libra. I’m realistic. I see things as they really are. I love the truth. I can’t stand a person who dreams about what they want but don’t go out and get it. I love socializing, travelling, reading. If I always want to talk to you or be around you don’t take me for granted as that’s another sign that I like you. If you’re near or dear to my heart, I might want you around a lot more often than most other people. Consider yourself lucky. When I like someone, I mean it. You can consider me as a classy guy; I want relaxed friends, true love and peace. I’m calm and always want to make others happy, even before myself.

As a #Libra, I do smile a lot as a way to protect myself. I don’t like people to see my vulnerable side, and I feel that smiling is a way to show that I’m happy and confident. When it comes to charm, there is no one more appealing than me.

#Libras are naturally flirty in nature, but they DON’T just flirt around with anyone like it doesn’t mean anything. If they’re being obviously flirtatious, it’s because they want you to know they have interest in you. As far as social life is concerned, they tend to hand pick their friends very carefully. And they don’t seek attention; they generally get it without having to seek it. #Libra’s are generally sweet and generous.

#Libra’s are the most romantic signs in the zodiac. They have an idealistic view of love and togetherness. Once these people fall in love, they start thinking of marriage.

#Libra’s are great counselors, because they have the ability to weigh the pros and cons of an idea fairly and without being bias. They love giving parties, and they have talent for making people feel at ease.

My Suggestion: If you want a lifelong friend, choose a #Libra.

Keep Smiling……God Bless You……Tc


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year @ 2014

Its a Hap...Happ....Happy.... #NewYear2014 , God Bless , Keep Smiling  

The pages of yesterday cannot be revised,but the pages of tomorrow are blank and you hold the pen. Make it an inspiring story.
2014 is a year we manifest our dreams..we believe..we achieve..we BECOME!!

Dream of a better world and a better tomorrow.Respect all religions, Respect Women, Respect Friends, and above all Respect everyone.....

Keep Smiling.... God Bless You.... Tc...
